What does sos mean
What does sos mean

what does sos mean

Many believe that the original “SOS” distress signal stood for “Save Our Ship” or “Save Our Souls.” The truth is that it was never meant to be used as an acronym. The acronym “SOS” was officially recognized over other signals that were opted for included “C.Q.D.” meaning “come quickly, distress” or “CQ,” meaning “come quickly.” The verbal equivalent of the acronym “SOS” is mayday. Consisting of three long dashes, three short dashes and then another three long dashes, this signal was often used over radio airwaves. Originally used as an acronym for Morse code from 1910, “SOS” was intended to be a distress signal.

what does sos mean

In this situation, the acronym means “Someone over shoulder.” If you want to warn someone you are texting with that other people can read what is being sent, you may send the “SOS” text as a warning.

What does sos mean